We pride ourselves in bringing high quality community acupuncture to Melbourne and the Space Coast area. We believe the benefits of acupuncture should be accessible to people of different economic backgrounds. We provide acupuncture in a setting which is casual and comfortable. Come alone, with friends, or family, and find a place where you can put your feet up and truly relax.
We have found that the more frequently you receive acupuncture, the faster you will see results. Therefore, we practice a business model which can enable the average American to fulfill a treatment plan without creating a financial burden.
We often see great changes for people through the course of their acupuncture treatments. Usually this means an improvement in quality of life. To us, that is the important part of "Community" within "Melbourne Community Acupuncture". We believe that each person is an integral part of our community, and for each person that is able to more fully live their life, our community is better for it.
We have found that the more frequently you receive acupuncture, the faster you will see results. Therefore, we practice a business model which can enable the average American to fulfill a treatment plan without creating a financial burden.
We often see great changes for people through the course of their acupuncture treatments. Usually this means an improvement in quality of life. To us, that is the important part of "Community" within "Melbourne Community Acupuncture". We believe that each person is an integral part of our community, and for each person that is able to more fully live their life, our community is better for it.